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  • Writer's pictureSusan

Unilumin Unano 1.8 - the best proven market choice, available in stock.

Unilumin offers completely captivating image quality and the best way to delivering bright and clear messages to the audience.

Unilumin Unano with its tiny pixel 1.8 comes as standard across indoor LED screens on the market, which means they are excellent to fit and install in area with any size and application.

Finest Visual Performance

Unilumin Unano 1.8 with an 8:9 aspect ratio unit design, 160° view angle both vertical and horizontal, people can see best colourful, creative and innovative visual images from a wide area of view.

Thin but Strong

It appears to be flat and slim with a light weight of 7.0kg per panel, but with stable-strong edge protection, say each cabinet has module edge protection mechanisms at the bottom to prevent pixel damage during assembly.

Easy Maintenance

Front maintenance with modular component design allows hot-swap, and makes replacement much quicker and easier.

Inhouse Technologies and Quality Control

ScreenStock inhouse technologies allow various LED displays that can fit any project. We make sure that each LED screen will be tested before its shipping. Professional calibration assures each module calibrated to highest standards.

“We make sure that each LED screen will be tested before its shipping. Professional calibration assures each module calibrated to highest standards, so that there’s a stunning picture for everyone.”

Design with Performance

Unilumin Unano 1.8 comes as standard across indoor LED screens on the market, which means they are excellent to fit and install in area with any size and application.

Hanging & Stacking Installation

Modules and precision aluminum cabinets are shipped separately for quick and easy installations. With a simple hanging beam, 20 LED tiles can be hung in each column without an additional structure.


Churches, Universities - Indoor LED screens can display the latest fashions trends, advertisements both new products or on sales.

Resturants – Can display the different menu, prices and breakfast or dinner specials etc

Exhibitions centred –Can display the main area locations or different products.

Movie Theaters – New theatres screens can be ultra HD

Monitoring or RMS centres – Can display road or control centres or race tracks etc.

Stage display – Can be used in schools, universities or churches or other religious places.

For more information, please reach us by phone/WhatsApp (+86) 18028389720; by email, or by completing our form. We are never far away!

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