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How 3D Led Screens Catch People’s Eyes?

Without doubts, it can always astonish people when Drogon breathes a torrent of fire out from the big corner screen.

It was a fancy 3D play on Broadway’s billboard while House of The Dragon released on August 22, 2022. Even among hundreds of advertisements in the famous street, it stands out by the huge 3D screen wall’s great presentation.

This screen wall is a naked eye 3D display, also known as the glasses-free 3D display. Rather than bring out a 3D effect with a distinct structure, 3D LED display, supported by digital technology and naked-eye imaging to achieve a 3D effect on the billboard, differ a lot from 2D display screens.

With advanced technology of optical illusions, grasp and eye-catching approach, 3D LED Display surely leaveyour audiences in awe.

People are full of curiosity about it, more and more brands want to create such a special outdoor display in important locations.

1.Landmarks’ media façade: center of business district, big shopping mall, Commercial Plaza

We can see a huge LED display in the center of a city, built around both sides of the building. Integrated with the architectural aesthetics and the business district environment, it cooperates with the prosperous city as well.

The big outdoor 3D display just catches the pedestrian’s sight onto the best viewing area, bringing a more immersive experience to the target viewers.

2. Education/ Entertainment places: exhibitions, parks, exploration hall with flow experience, stage, virtual production LED wall (filming and advertising industry)

The naked eye 3D screen is also installed in exhibitions, municipal parks, displaying some natural scenes and symbols through excellent 3D landscape. It explains the themes well all the time.

On the other side, the creative LED screen often brings people to a fascinating world in exploration hall, via expressive 3D LED stage or virtual LED wall.

At the exhibition, attracting more visitors is the primary goal. The 3D LED screen at the conspicuous position of the booth entrance allows people to stay and increase much popularity, so as not to miss real potential customers.

3. High traffic locations: Old building renovations, Crossroads, Street corners

Performance in Seoul

While passengers are exclaiming for the giant whale in Seoul’s crossroad, pedestrians are screaming out for the fantastic wild life in Kunming’s street corner. Anyway, people will never forget how the vanguard wild lion shocked them when they passed the old Tokyo buildings.

Great Show on Tokyo's Old Building

4. Brand-buildings: Brand store, Retail Store, Corporate headquarters

The 3D screen in the brand store helps attract a large number of potential customers to watch, stay, and make them more patient to watch the complete advertisement.

A 3D display adhering to the architectural aesthetics at the company headquarters not only well expresses the corporate’s culture and history, but also promotes its brand and concept in a quick and convenient way. It makes employees feel proud and casts a great first impression on clients.

All these LED display cases tell that, more and more are involved in 3D LED screen world. With its 3D effect, people will stop and watch its content, either information or advertisements. As for suppliers, focusing on creating high-quality content with a special atmosphere turns out to be more and more appealing to customers. For blogs to come, we will acknowledge you more information on 3D LED display, just keep an eye on us.

For more product information, please reach us by phone/WhatsApp (+86) 18028389720; by email, or by completing our form. We are never far away!

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